Centennial Title, LLC was founded in 1981 by local, long-time Abilene attorneys Gary Shahan and Charles Erwin, who acquired an ownership interest in Abilene Abstract Company, the oldest and most complete title plant of Taylor County real property records. To this day, Abilene Abstract Company is an updated licensed title plant dating back to the 1800s and sovereignty of the soil.
Today, Centennial Title, LLC is still locally owned and operated, and has three attorneys licensed by the State Bar of Texas as onsite staff available to answer any questions regarding any closing. Centennial Title, LLC has a fast and friendly staff with over 100 years of real estate title and closing experience. You can feel confident you have chosen a partner dedicated to meeting your immediate needs while building a long lasting relationship you can count on. We will work hand-in-hand with you every step of the way. We will respond quickly to meet your needs while providing the expertise and guidance necessary to close your transaction.
A Focus on Community
Over 40 years of success as a local small business wouldn’t be possible without the support of others in our community. Our staff is proud to partner with the following organizations in furthering the prosperity of our community.